Nacel May 13, 1962. From elementary I liked to draw and illuminate my work, at 13 years i asked a ta we painted to take me to painting classes, and was attending for 4 years, in which pint 18 tables, After high school, I enrolled Bribiesca Art Institute for two years, little boxes in which to read pintvarios topics such as still lifes, landscapes, and portraits .. Mexican In 1985 decidviajar to Europe to study and stay in touch with great works of painting, consider Perugia, Italy and pasvarios months traveling through several countries in Europe know and visit the great museums. Upon returning to Mexico from entering the huts Cultural Institute, studying for two more years. In 1993 I began translating my own ideas, looking for my individual form of expression, and get involved in artistic means exposing my work and participating in contests, some of which fu rewarded. Over time I have been maturing ste my painting, now considerndola as figurative expressionism, mixing a lot of elements where everything and anything possible to merge with the other forms a baroque trend. Today I want to evolve in my career, and to publish my art in and out of Mexico, and expand my horizons in the field of Painting.